This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Jump Gate

Turn Reference

Take two actions on your turn. You may take the same action twice.

Fly ... to a neighboring planet.

Jump ... to another more distant planet.

Scan ... your current planet if it has any face-down resources.

Land & Claim ... your current planet if it has no face-down resources and is unclaimed.

Harvest ... 1 reource you marked with a Scan, or 1 unmarked resource at a planet with all face-up resources.

Research ... refill your hand up to 5 cards. You may discard any number of cards before refilling.

Scoring Referece

If there are 7 or more markers on the Black Hole, the player(s) with the most markers on the Black Hole must discard their hidden resource cards before scoring.

Otherwise, players reveal their hidden resource cards and add them to their collected resources for scoring.

Score all collected resources as explained on the resource cards.

Add 4 points for each planet claimed.

Player with the highest score wins.